It’s all in our heads


Using modern day communication methods as an example, for most of our lives the brain survives just fine using CB radio. An upgrade to fiber optic bandwidth can be triggered by high stress, emotional or physical trauma and/or the use of psychoactive substances that inhibit the thalamus, the area of the brain in charge of perception “our reality filter”.

James Webb Telescope Launch Countdown


James Webb Space Telescope Launch Date Countdown Days Hours Minutes Seconds May the sun whisper softly upon our cheeks, through your eyes we shall see. The James Webb Space Telescope is set to launch December 22, 2021. This masterpiece is 20 years in the making, built by hundreds of amazing scientists and engineers. May it […]

Cigar-shaped UFO or Cruise Missile? – American Airlines Pilot recording

ufo garage podcast

Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn We received an email from our good friend James Goodall (military aircraft historian) on Sunday February 21st, 2021. The email stated that he had received a recording from a fellow Interceptor, of American Airlines A320, AA Flt 2292 in route from Ky to AZ’s […]